EMO ???

Behind the term "emo" comes tons of definitions that i would discuss hereby. I am described by most as "emo". I wonder," Do they really know what it means?"

From the various sites that I've read, they have differen
t meaning of "emo".
  • According to wikipedia.org , "emo" is a style of rock music typically characterized by melodic musicianship and expressive often confessional lyrics. In addition to music,"emo" is often used more generally to signify a particular relationship between fans and artists , and to describe related aspects of fashion, culture and behavior.
Today "emo" is commonly tied to both music and fashion as well as inspiration toward the emo subculture, and the term "emo" is sometimes streotyped with tight jeans on males and females alike, long fringe (bangs) brushed to one side of the face or over one or both eyes.
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"Just exactly how my hair looked like but it is NOT "emo"--it's called "ANIME" style, so to speak."

.................dyed black straight hair,tight t-shirts (usually short-sleeved) which often bear the names of emo bands, studded belts, belt bucklets,canvas sneakers or skate shoes or other black shoes and in some cases thick, black horn-rimmed glasses.

"I admit i love to wear black shoes especially my black converse--LuV chUck tAylors ALL StaR shoe and wearing black eyeglasses. BUT aint enough to call me "emo".
In recent years, the popular media associated emo with a streotype that includes emotional, sensitive, shy, introverted, or angst-ridden. Plus--depression,self-injury and suicide.
(how cruel~!!--in playing computer games-I SHOW NO MERCYL...not in real life though)
  • In http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/, it is defined as a type of subculture loosely rooted around punk rock with its own distinct style of music, fashion,argot and other trappings in desperate, though ultimately hopeless attempt to pronounce their uniqueness.
  • Emo clothing is typically black, mixed with smaller amounts of shockingly bright colors, especially, but not limited to, their hair. While emo hair is mostly black as well, there are often flamboyantly bright highlights.
"Emo" redefined
  1. Urbandictionary.com--> streotyped as angsty teens who don't SMILE =), has fake personality, are usually gay/lesbian/bi, apathetic, hates themselves, has their own fashion, beliefs and music. (If you would ask, i always smile.I am otherwise)
  2. Unwords.com-->(n.) Abbreviated from "emotive hardcore", relating to a genre of music coined due to a band's usage of emotional and personal lyrics. (adj.) an individual who is a follower of emo music.
  3. OnlineSlangdictionary.com-->(adj.) Overly emotional or melodramatic. (n.) genre of music that, among other characteristics,is emotional and melodramatic.
  4. Geekdictionary.com-->Complete idiots. So called "emotionals" often attempt to get depressed about anything and everything and over react emotionally for no reason other than to be attention whores.
Emo is an abbreviation for Emotionally Disturbed teen or pre-teen person. One would think that the whole world is against them and even consider severance from friends and/or family to provide the need for more personal attention/involvement.

A cruel and insensitive term used by those who are probably more in need of psychotherapy, and definitely in need of at the minimum, a short course in the social graces. These people strike me as the type who, during their pre- (and post-) pubescent years, spent their leisure time torturing small animals; symptoms, in my opinion, of the underlying disorder they condemn in ‘emos.’ A person who reads the ‘scholarly’ definitions already extant in this ‘dictionary,’ and who suffers from the maladies mentioned has, as a result, found yet another reason (justified or not) to plunge deeper into despair. Emotional pain is no less painful than physical pain; sadly, however, it’s much more difficult to abate its symptoms.

5. MyEmoHairstyles.com-->The truth is that a definition of emo doesn’t exist; it means different things for different people. There are hundreds of definitions made up by people but not one of these can describe every single person, that is because the emo hair style and emo style in general changes, whether we’re talking about the emo fashion, emo hair, the emo girls and emo boys always alter their appearances.

Emo can be a term used to describe culture, including music, day-to-day activities, fashion and appearance. Many people are really confused about what emo actually is; especially those who have stereotypical views against the cultural movement. However, it is important to realize that emo today hasn’t got the same meaning as in the 80s; the term was ’stolen’ if you want. For example, in 80s, people who had today’s emo hair weren’t called emo.

<<<--Perfect epitome of an "emo" girl.

6. Wiktionary.com-->Sensitive,depressed and associated with youth subcultures embodying emotional sensitivity.

7. Allwords.com-->An individual or group of people associated with the subculture and musical style of definition or with a fashion or stereotype of definition.

In conclusion, therefore, I am NOT "emo". I am a ROCK star. YEAH ROCK ON!!

define ADDICT?

So..In spite of my super hectic sched., never had i lost time doing my stuff. I was playing "Pokemon Yellow Version" on that Gameboy SP that Michael lend me. I really miss the old times when i used to have one. I would never forget the story of my dear Gameboy given by my grandparents. It was such a pain for me to reminisce but can't help but tell it. It was collected by my former teacher. I dont know now if she still breathes.

Have you ever known a gal who darn loves playing virtual games, who heck enjoys playing CS, Battle Realms, Living Dead, DOTA, Sims, Crazy Kart,O2jam,Resident evil, Tekken, Tomb Raider, Pokemon, HP, etc. more than you do?

Hehehe.. Well then, let me introduce myself.
In case it is not NEW to you--i am a game savant, an addict, a freak --say whatever you want. I simply have a heart with games. It is like a book that redirects you to a world where you have godlike powers and variety of identities which let's you do stuffs you could NEVER do in the real world. It's more of a drug that made you abuse your health. A potion that heals your sickness. Anything addictive.

I have developed self-control though. I never neglected my academic record but i procrastinate. I made an adjustment of my sleep-cycle. I lack sleep, sometimes i am oversleeping. Somehow, my grades are consistent but i want to excel. So, I lessen my addiction.

Here i am, fixing my schedule. Doing my utmost best to manage my time. Kind of learning. It's just a matter of habit formation. Learn to get used of proper time management and you'll do well.


Name: Rachel Ann Lorenzo Reyes
Lovingly called as: chel , aziel /eishel/
Birthday: March 15, 1991

My favorite

Color: Pink, Purple, Aquamarine, White

Dish: Italian --pizza and pasta ..

Dress: casual

Movies: too much to mention

Music:cant name all ..

Books: lots of 'em

Actors/Actresses: Robert Pattinson, Hugh Grant, Orlando Bloom, Brad Pitt, Daniel Radcliffe, Kirsten Dunst, Cameron Diaz, Adam Sandler, Hayden Pannetierre, Drew Barrymore, Julia Roberts,

Singers: Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne,Yui, Boa, Jason Mraz, Jojo, Mandy Moore, Natalie Imbruglia, Kyla, Lea Salonga

Band: Paramore, Jonas Brothers, Click 5, Secondhand Serenade, FM Static, New Found Glory, Boys like Girls, Yellowcard

The best things about me: ?????????

The worst things about me:

lazy, irresponsible, clumsy, stupid for quite some time, sort of loathsome :),

My favorite place in school, home and in this world: cantee, my room and beach =)

Stuffs i could NOT live without (way too exaggerated):
iPod, PC, digicam, cp, books, piano, guitar, portable DVD, ...

Stuffs i ABHOR ever: P-O-L-L-U-T-I-O-N

People i hate : frauds, LIAR, ruthless, minding somebody's biz--anything unhumane

Candid confessions:

  • had fallen from a tricycle, from the stairs, from the boat, from the canal, from my bed (HAHA)
  • entered a class with utmost haste which wasn't my class (i was red in the face~HELL)
  • opened a car that alarmed so loud --mass hysteria approached--all were shocked and i remained locked in the CR --was so shock that the car was open--my heart was pounding very fast ( i was tripping though--i hope i wouldnt regret posting that)